Jody's Advice to Young Scientists
Is your thesis "taking shape"? What shape?... hourglass or candlestick.
p Values and Error Bars: What they tell you and what they don't
Others' Advice
Guidebook for New Principal Investigators (includes good advice for writing papers and grants that students and postdocs should read)
A CV of Failures, such as this one from Johannes Haushofer (an otherwise successful Princeton prof) is a good way to highlight that even successful people have a lot of (usually hidden) failures. If you're not failing enough. you're not taken enough risks.
Advice from Jessica Grahn
Advice from Brian Scholl
Advice from Blake Butler
Ramon Y Cajal's Advice for a Young Investigator is an amazing book
Some thoughts on mentors from Stephen Jay Gould
Fix Common Writing Mistakes
Grammar rules that you'll remember:
How to hyphenate properly and why you shouldn’t hyphenate -ly adverbs
Significant digits and why you shouldn’t report p = 0.002758001
Jody’s mnemonic: “Principle ends in le, just like rule ends in le so a principle is a rule. The l at the end of principal looks like a #1, “principa1” so principal means #1”
How to calculate visual angle and a proper visual angle calculator (usually you want to use “centered” version).